
このカレンダーは、教皇庁宣教援助事業のアジアの責任者であるスリランカのB. R. Fernando神父が作成しました。なお特別月間のためのパンフ(PDF)はこちらで読むことができます。
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10月1日(火)―2日(水) バングラデシュ BANGLADESH
1. For quickly solving the Ruhanga problem in Bangladesh.
2. For the peace and harmony in Bangladesh.
3. For more vocations in the Local Church of Bangladesh.
10月3日(木)―4日(金) 聖地 HOLY LAND
10月5日(土)―6日(日) インド INDIA
1. Let justice and peace prevail in the nation especially with the neighbouring countries.
2. Let all the baptized in India experience the Kingdom values especially the equality and brotherhood.
3. Let all Christians be united in proclaiming Jesus with ecumenical and inclusive Spirit, not only by words but also by deeds.
10月7日(月)―8日(火) 日本 JAPAN
1. Lord, please keep in mind the Japanese children who feel alone with the difficulty of finding their own place in their family or school. Help them to meet kind friends and adults, open their hearts with courage and grant them many happy days.
2. Let us pray for the human rights of the Japanese children who will be responsible for the next generation. May they grow in love and trust, and be protected from poverty and domestic violence.
3. Almighty Father, we pray for the Japanese Church suffering from frequent earthquakes, typhoons, and natural disasters. We pray especially for Fukushima and other affected people, that they might have the deep faith to help each other and walk with confidence, without losing hope, even in the midst of difficult times.
10月9日(水)―10日(木) カザフスタン KAZAKHSTAN
1. For the people of Kazakhstan, that they may live in peace and freedom, growing in the cognition and love to our Lord Jesus Christ.
2. For the Church in Kazakhstan, that the faithful will not be afraid to give the witness of God’s love in a Muslim environment.
3. For the youth and the families, that they may feel responsibility and missionary zeal for future of the Church in their country.
10月11日(金)―12日(土) 韓国/北朝鮮 KOREA
1. For peace between South Korea and North Korea.
2. For cooperation among religions.
3. For the vitalization of mission.
10月13日(日)―14日(月) レバノン LEBANON
10月15日(火)―16日(水) マレーシア・シンガポール・ブルネイ MALAYSIA, SINGAPORE, BRUNEI
1. That we may reach out with respect. Understanding and knowledge of each other’s culture and tradition in a multi ethnic, language and religious Malaysia.
2. That our young who are growing up in an increasingly digitalized world with newer family structures may experience God’s incarnate love and keep their faith alive.
3. That God may protect Malaysia from severe Islamization.
10月17日(木)―18日(金) ミャンマー MYANMAR
1. That God may grant the grace of understanding to know him, diligence to seek him and faithfulness to embrace him till the end to Myanmar Christians;
2. That reconciliation, peace-building, democracy and prosperity flourish and reign in Myanmar.
3. That all Catholics form a proclaiming, worshipping and witnessing community amidst the Buddhist Burmese majority.
10月19日(土)と21日(月) パキスタン PAKISTAN
1. For the needs of the local Church, Bishops and the suffering Church of Pakistan.
2. For public authorities and the mission of the Church in Pakistan.
3. For peace in the country; as country is going through difficult crisis and is victimized by terrorism.
10月20日(日) 世界宣教の日 WORLD MISSION SUNDAY
10月22日(火)―23日(水) フィリピン PHILIPPINE
1. Renewed of the moral fiber of the Philippine society.
2. Inclusive economic progress.
3. More commitment to mission cooperation.
10月24日(木)―25日(金) スリランカ SRI LANKA
1. Peace and Political stability of Sri Lanka.
2. Children, Youth and for all those who go against the teachings of the Church.
3. Protection of Mother Earth.
10月26日(土)―27日(日) 台湾 TAIWAN
1. Prayer for the youth. Almighty God, as the youth face the challenges in their daily lives, may your Spirit and your Love touch their hearts so that they know the important of being valuable beings in your eyes and as they grow up they may believe in themselves despite so many struggles and failures in life, they may also be sure that the entire community of the believers counts on them.
2. Many families here are experiencing the aging of parents and relatives, may God who made us a family fill their lives with a new Spirit to teach them how to care, how to forgive and grant them wisdom and patience.
10月28日(月)―29日(火) ティモール TIMOR
1. For the Families
Timor as a new nation is facing complicated problem, firstly because the encounter between traditional and modern lifestyle of families. Many don’t know much how to educate their family life. There are attempts to divorce; young couples are not living in the sacrament of matrimony. There is a movement recently, and the phenomena of abortions and/or throw the baby out. Church needs the strength and courage to be a light for many families.
2. For the children
The immediately affected by problem in families are children. Children abandoned by parents, forced and manipulated by interested groups, many have to chance to attend school because of poverty or being forced. But children are the hope of future, nation and Church. Most of them are enthusiastic to be missionary in our modern societies.
3. Peace
Peace between youth and leaders. Between different parties and ethnic groups. The problem of reconciliation still remain between generations of war time. There are lack of Animators of peace. May the Church be the instrument of peace to our people and nation.
10月30日(水)―31日(木) ベトナム VIETNAM
1. Pray for Vietnamese Catholics clergy and religious, particularly the young ones, to devote more their lives to the mission of the Church.
2. Pray for the Vietnamese Catholics faithful, particularly the Youth, always to share spiritedly the joy of the Gospel to others in their life.
3. Pray for leaders of the government and other non-Christians to follow the true conscience which is Gospel seed that God planted in their lives.