
今日見られるほどの微妙な状況の中で司祭に使命が委ねられたことはかつてありませんでした。この理由から、司教は誰でも、特別な霊的な父性を、すなわち神ご自身にその根源を持つ父性(「すべての父性がそこに源を有する」(エフェソ 3:15参照)を、自分の司祭たちに対して感じるようでなければなりません。司教は、父なる神に倣い、その司祭たちに対して分かたれることのない配慮をすべき者なのです。父性によって司教は、すべての司祭に対して心を砕く父であること、そのざらざらした表現に磨きをかけて丸くし、試練の中にある司祭を励まし、その過ちを正し、一つに結ばれた司祭団の家族というつながりの中でその資質が評価されるように計らうのです。
司祭各自とすべての司祭へ注意を向けるという司教の具体的な姿勢によって、司教の父性の特徴が実行に移されるのであれば、司祭たちの生涯養成は、司教の父性を実際に行うための最も大切な方法の一つである、と言えます。実際において、それは、今日の文化的背景の中での司祭としての生活の重要な要素を構成するものです。新しい司祭養成の根本方針」(Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis)で述べられておりますように、「生涯養成は具体的でなければなりません、すなわち、司祭の現実を具体化し、兄弟愛に生きること、年ごとの霊的な修養、月の静修、霊的な指導、共同生活など。」(参照、同指針80-88)
枢機卿 フェルナンド・フィローニ
Dear Brother in the Episcopacy,
I would like to share with you some reflections on the life and ministry of
priests, considering the numerous problems that currently weight upon those
who exercise the mission of Shepherd in our local Churches.
On Sunday, May 7th on the occasion of the ordination of 10 new priests
for the Diocese of Rome and in his direct and effective manner, Pope Francis
stated, “Words without personal example are ineffective. A double life is a
serious disease in the Church… [You] were chosen by the Lord Jesus, not to
further [your] careers, but to offer [priestly] service.”
Never before has the mission entrusted to priests found itself in such a
delicate situation as it does today. For this reason, every Bishop should feel a
special spiritual paternity toward his priests, a paternity that has its roots in God
Himself, “from whom all fatherhood has its origin” (Eph. 3:15). In imitation of
God the Father, a Bishop is to give undivided attention to his priests. He is to be
a caring father to every priest, helping to round out his rough edges,
encouraging him in his trials, correcting his errors, and making his qualities
appreciated within the context of a united presbyteral family.
The fatherhood of a Bishop manifests itself, first of all, in the direct
Knowledge of his priests. Not infrequently does it occur that a Bishop does not
even know the names of his priests. This is a cause of much suffering because
each name contains a summary of a person’s entire life, a life that took its first
steps at Baptism. It calls to mind our family of origin, our state of health, our
human and affective condition, and the different stages of our ministry. A
sensitive and friendly approach is absolutely essential if a Bishop is to call
himself a ‘father’ and a priest is to truly feel like a ‘son’ and, at the same time, an
authentic coworker in the ministry. A Bishop needs to communicate clearly with
his priests, the fruit of due concern and reflection, conveyed with respect and
decency, and always in search of the primary good: the proclamation of the
Gospel to persons and peoples.
Your Excellency, nothing causes the Church – the Body of Christ – to
Suffer as much as the sins of her Pastors, particularly those who become thieves
and exploit the sheep (cf.Jn 10:1), either because they have led the people into
error by means of their personal doctrines, or because they have trapped them
in the snares of sin and death. Divisions among priests, the lack of respect and
collaboration with the Bishop, the absence of due consideration toward the lay
faithful, the scarcity of pastoral responsibility and the scandal caused by some,
all reduce the effectiveness of pastoral work and cloud the image of the priest
as a shepherd of God’s flock.
On this point, I cannot help but ask, what image of the priest emerges in
your local Church? Is the priest a mere functionary and dispenser of sacred
things or a mere social worker, a priest who seeks to “arrange” a life of comfort
for himself or for his family, living a life not at all in harmony with the holiness
that a priest’s life should manifest? In reality “our being priests is simply a new
and radical way of being united to Christ. In its substance, it has been bestowed
on us forever in the sacrament. But this new seal imprinted upon our being can
become for us a condemnation, if our lives do not develop by entering into the
truth of the Sacrament” (Benedict XVI, Homily for the Chrism Mass, 2009).
The personal holiness of the priest should be felt by those who are
entrusted to his pastoral care, those whom he is to serve in a spirit of self-denial
and generosity. His life of prayer will nourish his apostolate from within. There
is a serious need for priests who are in love with the Eucharist, from which they
draw the profound purpose for their pastoral mission. As Pope Benedict XVI
once said, “This [pastoral mission] does not come from man himself, but it has
its origins in the sacred” (General Audience, 26 May 2010).
If concrete gestures of attention toward each and every priest
characterize the fatherhood of the Bishop, then the ongoing formation of priests
is one of the most significant ways to exercise that fatherhood. It constitutes, in
fact, an important dimension of priestly life in the current cultural context. As
stated in the new Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis, “Ongoing
formation must be concrete, that is to say embodying priestly realities and lived
in fraternity: annual spiritual exercises, monthly retreats, spiritual direction,
common life” (cf. nn. 80-88).
My dear brother in the Episcopacy, as I entrust these reflections to you
and kindly ask you to share them with your priests, Iam certain that Our Lady,
Queen of the Apostles and Mother of Priests, will always gently accompany
these your beloved sons on their priestly journey.
I assure you of my profound gratitude and remain
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Fernando Cardinal Filoni