
FOOD DRIVE (Emergency Food Assistance)


Catholic Tokyo International Center is giving food assistance for people in need due to the declaration of state of emergency.  The distribution will take place at our office located at: 

Catholic Tokyo International Center
4-6-22 Kami Osaki, Shinagawa-ku Tokyo

 (contents may vary)


With your generosity we would like to ask for donation in cash or in kind.

Items most needed are the following:rice, pasta, cooking oil, food packed in retort pouch (curry, gyudon, oyako don & etc.) canned goods and snacks.

We will be glad if you can send us items consumable before its expiration date.

For more information please call:  

                 Catholic Tokyo International Center

                 4-6-22 Kami Osaki, Shinagawa-ku Tokyo

                 Tel. 03-5759-1061

For cash donation please send through postal bank account:00130 2 710756 Catholic Tokyo International Center 

Please be guided that the office is open Monday – Friday from 12:00 noon – 4:00 p.m.

until May 31, 2020.

Thank you very much!