Archdiocese of Tokyo

Homily for the 15th International Day’s Mass
Apr 24, 2005
Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ,
Today we are here to celebrate the 15th International Day and now going to celebrate the same one mass in this St.Mary’s Cathedral of Tokyo.
The late Pope John Paul II issued Apostolic Letter ”Mane Nobiscum Domine” and declared the Year of the Eucharist, which already began from October 2004 and will end in October 2005.
Therefore we have chosen the theme for the International Day 2005 “Body of Christ”.
We all know the story of the Institution of the Eucharist. The three synoptic Gospels and St. Paul have left us the story of the institution. However the Gospel of John does not mention to the institution of the Eucharist. Instead of that, he relates the “washing of feet” which Our Lord put into practice as the example for the disciples during the Last Supper.
What did Jesus want to teach us by this example “washing of feet”?
I think that he wanted to teach us how to love each other with his own concrete action
The Sacrament of the Eucharist is the Sacrament of Love or Charity.
If we do not love each other, what is the value of receiving the Eucharist?
If we receive the Holy Communion at the same mass, we should love each other.
We are from various countries and are different from each other in many ways. But we should not think that these differences are obstacles to know and love each other better. We are called to serve each other and help each other because we are gifted with different graces. Everyone is a being very unique. God has created everyone as a unique person. Jesus wants everyone to co-operate each other. God has given each of us his/her own roles in this world.
So let us pray that we may know better each other and love better each other by receiving more purified love, more faithful love, more strengthened love through the Holy Communion of the Eucharist. Amen!
St Mary’s Cathedral Tokyo
April 24, 2005