
Shimura Catholic Church
Shimura Catholic Church
Dedicated to
St. Joseph the Worker
Date of Establishment
November 8, 1967
Parish administrator
Francis X. Masakatsu Fukamizu
Number of Parishioners
416 (as of Dec.31,2019)
Sunday Mass
9:30 am (in Japanese)
4th Sunday: 11:00 am (in English)
Weekday Mass
Saturday: 6:00 pm
First Friday: 10:00 am
Sunday School
Sun.10:45~11:45 Sunday School is for children from elementary School and junior high school after the Sunday Mass for about one hour.
Bible Study
Please ask for information.
Volunteer Activities
Volunteer meal service for the homeless near the Arakawa river side and Takashimadaira on the 1st Thu. once a month. Every Tues Night for “Hoshi no Ie” is action
Rosario player (2nd, 4th Tue.15:00) Hebrew Study Class:(3rd Teusday 18:30-20:30) by Ms, Emi Kato
1-38-22 Sakashita, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo 174-0043 Google Map
Facilities for the Handicapped
Barrier free
6 minutes walk from Shimura 3 cho-me Sta. or Hasune Sta. on Mita Subway Line.
【From Ikebukuro West Exit 】 Please take Kokusai-Kogyo Bus “Ike No. 20” for Takashimadaira Soshajyo to Ooyabashi stop (1 minute walk from the stop).
【From JR Akabane Station at West Exit】 Please take Kokusai-Kogyo Bus “Aka No.01” from East exit of JR Akabane Sta. for Narimasu Sta. North Entrance and get off at “Shimura 4 cho-me” or “Aioi Bashi”
【From the North Gate of “Narimasu Station” of Tobutojosen】 Please take Kokusai-Kogyo Bus Aka No. 02 for Akabane Station and get off at “Hasune 1 Chome” Parking available for total of 12 vehicles. GoogleMap
Parish History
On the establishment of the history of Shimura Church dedicated to St. Joseph the laborer, many Catholic people of good will in West Germany had supported to make the fund responding the call of Fr.Gereon Goldman. Especially Cardinal Joseph Frings had assisted to purchase a land for Archdiocese of Tokyo and it had given to Shimura Church in 1964. Then the Church has been transferred to Tokyo Archdiocese from Franciscans (O.F.M.) juristically. The fund ” donation for the construction of new church ” had been set up in Archdiocese of Tokyo and the parishioners donation had been collected in the fund. Through that donation fund the new construction of the chapel and the parsonage had been built and also by the warm support of the neighboring parishes and parishioners. On 8th of November, 1967 by these brotherly friendship in faith Shimura Parish dedicated to St.Joseph the Labor has been born. On 17th of December 1967 the chapel, parsonage, guest rooms, office, hall of two stories building has been dedicated. Their earnest wish were to have their chapel worthy of the name. The first chaplain was Fr. John the Baptist Yasukuni Tokugawa and he has founded the base of the Church. Since May 1975 the church committee members have been selected by vote according to the rule of the administration of the church.
Present situation
The church has been still considered as one of the small churches in Tokyo Archdiocese. In Autumn Bazaar has been held to support the street children in the Philippines and the minority people Karen tribe in Myanmar financially. The the earnings has been sent directly to those Catholic organizations who take care of each project. Also this has been a good occasion of mutual friendship with neighboring people in the church area. In spring mini bazaar has been held usually for “Ichiryu Kai” to support the Catholic Seminary of Japan. Another activity is ” providing hot meals for homeless people ” at Arakawa river side and Takashimadaira once a month and now some homeless people have joined the Holy Mass or bible study class in friendly relationship with the church. As a small community the church tried to make the best use of its advantage for evangelization and assistance to the need of the area now and in the future. This is our theme as Shimura Church and we would like to welcome your kind cooperation to us.